Industrial construction

The Matis production and warehousing site

Investor: matis s.r.o.

General contractor: STAVOS Brno, a.s.

Price of work: 113.6 million CZK

Realisation period: 08/2022 - 12/2023


Limestone dump – communications, hall construction, steel construction

Investor: Českomoravský cement, a.s.

General contractor: STAVOS Brno, a.s.

Price of work: 128.69 million CZK

Realisation period: 09/2021 - 03/2023


Vinařství Konopný kopec

Investor: Vinařství Konopný kopec s.r.o.

Generální dodavatel: STAVOS Brno, a.s.

Cena díla: 58 mil. Kč

Termín provádění: 02/2021 – 11/2021



AB4 construction (ČEZ ENERGOSERVIS administration building)

Investor: ČEZ, a.s.

General contractor: STAVOS Brno, a.s.

Price of work: 106 million CZK

Realisation period: 10/2020 – 09/2021


Hall reconstruction, extension and superstructure for the company LANIK

Investor: LANIK s.r.o.

General contractor: STAVOS Brno, a.s.

Price of work: 42.8 million CZK

Realisation period: 04/2018 – 07/2020


PYROTEK administration and production building in Blansko

Investor: PYROTEK CZ s.r.o.

General contractor: STAVOS Brno, a.s.

Price of work: 168.2 million CZK

Realisation period: 03/2015 – 02/2016


Bratčice biogas plant

Investor: STAVOS Brno, a.s.

General contractor: STAVOS Brno, a.s.

Price of work: 53.9 million CZK

Realisation period: 2009 – 11/2011


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